In Ko-mic, you can publish comics for free. If you decide to sell one and succeed, we will charge a 10% commission to cover the platform expenses, including promoting your content, hosting, and administration.

If you wish to donate, we will show our appreciation on our social media in the episode of your choice.

Donations and Recognitions

If you have already made a donation, contact us through our social media so we can publicly thank you in an episode of your choice. Your support helps us grow and improve.

We are in the Launch Process

Ko-mic is an independent project created to support creators. We are currently in Beta 3.8, and to grow, we need the great work of programmers, graphic designers, web designers, accountants, and marketing agents.

If you believe in this project and wish to collaborate, welcome! We are grateful to everyone who makes it possible for this project to become a reality.

Collaborate with Us

We need the support of the entire possible community to maintain the server, as well as to make continuous improvements and create new features that allow creators, advertisers, agents, and the reading public to have an unparalleled space dedicated to the art of comics.