Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Ko-mic. We are glad you are here, Enjoy all the benefits and spaces that we offer. Follow these simple rules, as this benefits the entire community. If you use the tools on our website, you are accepting the Terms and Conditions described here.

Our portal may contain links to third-party websites that are not owned or controlled by Ko-mic. Ko-mic It has no control or responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of third-party websites. By using the Service, you expressly release Ko-mic of all responsibility derived from the use of any third party website.

To access the publishing functions, you will need to create a user account. You cannot use someone else's user account without permission. When creating a user account, you must provide the information required for this purpose. As a user, you are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account.

You agree not to use or launch any automated system (bots), to access our features fraudulently to artificially increase "views", "subscribers", "likes" and other elements that contribute to the popularity or advancement of your published content.

You agree not to collect or collect personal data, such as emails, phones, etc. or use the communication systems provided by our tools such as: Comments, Private Messages, Forums, Publications. Access to Social Networks, WhatsApp. for business purposes.

Ability to accept the terms of service

You affirm that you are 13 years of age or older and that you are competent to accept the terms, conditions, obligations, statements, representations and warranties set forth in these Terms of Service, and to comply with them. In any case, you state that you are 13 years of age or older, as the Service is not intended for persons under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years old, do not use the service.

Content and Conduct

PUBLICATION RIGHT. This portal reserves the right of publication, Ko-mic makes use of its right not to publish any advertisement to those who violate the minimum standards for coexistence with other registered users and prevent the portal ecosystem from being affected in this way.

As an account holder Ko-mic, you can access the services and publish content. You understand that Ko-mic will not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to the Content that you send or share.

You will be solely responsible for your own content and for the consequences of submitting and publishing content on the portal. You hereby affirm, represent and warrant that (1) you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to publish the Content that you send and publish through our service; and (2) all such Content are original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any another person or entity.

You agree that the Content you post will not contain material copyrighted by third parties or material that is subject to other proprietary rights of third parties, unless you have the permission of the rightful owner of the Content or you have the legal right to publish the Content and grant to Ko-mic all the license rights granted in this document to make the publication of said Content on the portal

Ko-mic expressly disclaims all liability in relation to the Content. Ko-mic does not allow activities that infringe copyright and infringement of intellectual property rights on the Service, and Ko-mic will remove all Content if properly notified that such Content infringes on someone else's intellectual property rights. Ko-mic reserves the right to remove Content without prior notice.

If the system detects paragraphs with contact information or content I do not allow and if you are not active in an author plan, this data will be automatically deleted without prior notice.

User names may also be changed without price notice if they interfere with the S.E.O of the website, usurp any section of the site or infringe the copyright of another user.

Content limits

Ko-mic reserves the right to remove any content that may be harmful, threatening or any other type of harmful or dangerous content. Strictly prohibited content includes:

  • Hate content that promotes or encourages hatred, violence, or discrimination against a person or group based on race, creed, cultural or ethnic origin, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The use of derogatory language, pictures or slurs is prohibited unless they have an explicit purpose or meaning for the story. We recognize that we do not live in a world free of these things and we do not want to censor stories that represent real-world events or experiences. However, we ask that you do not glorify these things and be aware of the content you post. We ask that you provide the appropriate censors and warnings to ensure a positive reading experience.
  • Dangerous content that we believe encourages harmful activities such as, but is not limited to, supporting or celebrating terrorist organizations and their leaders, or that incites others to commit acts of violence, destruction or self-harm. Glorifying or romanticizing real life hate groups or those who have committed heinous crimes, such as mass shooters, are not allowed. Do not perpetuate or normalize violence or hatred. Furthermore, we do not tolerate the spread of misinformation or fake news.
  • Endangering children: Content depicting the sexualization of children or sexual objectification, where the child's sole purpose is to exist in a sexual context, is prohibited.
  • Malicious content that exposes users to harmful software or websites. You are responsible for the security and validity of the outbound links that you post.

Marking your content as mature does not mean that it may contain the prohibited content mentioned above. It is strongly recommended to use content warnings for series or episodes that include sensitive topics.


Ko-mic does not claim ownership rights to your Content. Your Content belongs to you and Ko-mic does not restrict the use of your Content for any purpose, unless it is established in additional terms for other Programs, Offers or Contracts between both parties and that Ko-mic can provide you.

1. In order to allow Ko-mic make your Content available on our platforms, you grant to Ko-mic a continuous, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license and the right to use the Content you post through our platforms for the commercial purpose of digital publishing on our website, via mobile devices, through sharing methods digital and through other digital media currently existing or not yet invented.

2. If you have agreed to participate in one or more of the Programs, Offers or Contracts of Ko-mic defined in this document, you may receive compensation for Content posted using one or more of our platforms. Ko-mic does not claim ownership of your Content when you participate in our Programs.

3. Ko-mic will not sell or redistribute your Content to third party licensees unless you give us permission to do so. Ads on the platform Ko-mic direct or third-party advertisers may be posted with Content. In a case where Ko-mic provides an opportunity for Content owners to potentially benefit from compensation outside of the platforms of Ko-mic, such as licenses for commercialization, other opportunities or publication through third-party or external channels, which are not of Ko-mic, a license of opportunity may be negotiated, a separate agreement with the third party and your full consent will be required.

4. In order to promote, advertise, market and promote the success of your Content and Ko-mic as a whole, you give to Ko-mic a license and a continuing, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free right, but not the obligation, to use the Content that you post on any platform of Ko-mic. Ko-mic may use your username, your avatar, portfolio, biographical information, among others for promotional purposes. Examples include, but are not limited to: submitting Content samples for press use, posting Content on social channels, or printing Content samples for distribution at conventions.


1. ADVERTISING GUIDELINES ACQUIRED BY ADVERTISERS. When acquiring an advertising service and its related services, such as, for example, the positioning in the main category in the list of authors and the additional categories that each purchased plan comes with (courtesy annual promotions specified in the plans section) are they activate immediately and are automatically renewed in the same way. The user can purchase as many services as he wishes during the year and all of them will have a minimum publication year; each service has its own publication and renewal date. With this, the user can rest assured that an acquired service does not affect the set of services acquired and the user will only have to renew said service on its expiration date. It is possible that the same offers or promotions will not be available after the renewal year, therefore their related ones may not be available for a new date. In this case, we recommend contacting us via email to respond to each request, or if possible to explain the alternative services or promotions that we can offer at the time.

2. REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY ADVERTISERS FOR ADVERTISING GUIDELINES. We apply the following requirements to all our users in general to guarantee the best service and although not all of them are mandatory, the greater the data provided, the spaces we provide will have the greater effectiveness. All our advertisements are published with minimum requirements such as company name, telephone numbers, WhatsApp, etc. but in order to have a better performance we advise our users to send us as much advertising material as possible. Logo: for the profile to be displayed correctly to the satisfaction of our users both in the search engine and in the list of categories, the logo must be uploaded. It can be inserted from the administration platform in the same way as the portfolio images are uploaded. They can also supply us with the material via email. Text: Business Profile, Text: Description of services offered, Contact Email: Hidden, only available for the Contact Form, Portfolio: Minimum of 5 Images, Maximum of 50 Images, List categories: Send us each desired category according to the number purchased and according to the positioning specified in the plans section. Banners: Images of Banners according to the measures specified in the plans section.

3. PAYMENT AND PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS. Once the payment has been made in full Ko-mic proceeds to the activation of the required advertisements. On some occasions our sellers reach an agreement with the advertiser for a credit for the promise and purchase order of 2 to 3 payments maximum. Customer promise is understood as a commitment of both parties, both of Ko-mic, who will publish the services acquired immediately as the client who agrees to acquire the service and make payments on the dates and deadlines agreed with the seller in the purchase order. If the total of the service in question has not been canceled and an update in the service plans is in process, these new plans will take effect. The customer requesting the service must cancel the total of the new plans and adjust to the new plan in force and the new conditions of the new renewed period.

4. PUBLICATION GUARANTEE. For each Purchase Order Request or Work Order, we understand a commitment acquired from both parties. An agreed term will be estimated for the total payment of the guideline. If the schedule is not canceled in its entirety or within the agreed period and we do not receive any notification, Ko-mic reserves the right to use the credit paid in a lower cost service or shorten the days of publication in order to guarantee the publication of the ad and that the credit in question is spent in full, fulfilling our commitment as a company specialized in advertising guideline and giving our billing fully, any of the two options will be notified to the user. Ko-mic It does not refund money paid after 31 days after accepting the Purchase Order or Work Order specified in the documents (Receipts, Online Purchases, etc.) If before 31 days the user wishes to return the money, they must request a refund Via email stating the case, the bank account number and the bank management certification letter. The refund of the money will be partial, since the days that the advertising guidelines were activated must be discounted, this calculation will be the division of the total of the annual acquired pattern over the 12 months of the year.

5. RENEWAL OF ADVERTISING GUIDELINES. After the expiration of the ad (1 year), any company that wants that particular space and the positioning in that category may request it since the space will be available and in the same way Ko-mic As a company, it must guarantee the services provided to any user, whether it is a new user or an already registered user. That is why Ko-mic informs all users with notifications per month, after 15 days and the expiration date so that the advertiser is aware of not losing the positioning. As a guarantee of the positioning acquired until the expiration date and to protect the user who is awarded this category, our renewals are automatic, we offer an additional period of 15 days after expiration to those people who confirm the acquisition of the service for a new period. We will save the positioning even if the ad is deactivated due to expiration. This advantage will be lost if after 15 days the payment for the new period has not been made and another user has already taken the category.

6. SUSPENSION OF ADS. For users who have outstanding balances, measures are taken such as suspension of the advertisement, but this does not lead to the suspended days being lost. In fact, the days suspended are not lost if the total balance is canceled; In other words, the days in which the ad is in a suspended state will be fully restored once the payment is verified. Suspensions affect the ecosystem and the proper functioning of the portal since due to the duration of the suspension, we could offer that space to new interested parties and this entails operational costs in time of the vendors in question of the service, but we do it because we must and want guarantee the positioning that our users had until the suspension date. This in order that another does not arrive and occupy those privileged positions. Once the balance is completed in Ko-mic we proceed to activate the ads in their entirety. The second case of suspension is when the advertisement has been paid in full but the minimum material for the publication has not been received (email, telephone numbers or design material in the case of having purchased a Banner plan). This suspension is so that the advertisement is not affected by poor quality of the information or incomplete information and so that the dates of the publication that the service promises are met. In this case, the specific service will be suspended (without promotions or related bonus categories) until the delivery of the material. In some cases if the user so wishes and to avoid the suspension of the ad, our editing team will deliver a standard material (Art with Logo and telephone) in replacement of the design that should be supplied; but we advise that the material be from the same user as it is he who must put creativity in it. Our job is to provide a massive means of dissemination, but the content is quality of our users and of vital importance as advertising art, which is the content that wants to attract the attention of our readers.

7. CONTACT FORM AND MAIL SUPPLIED. Users who fill out the profile contact form will receive a read notification to the email. The contact form provided by Ko-mic sends a notification by mail to inform our users that they have a new message, sometimes this notification message cannot be delivered for different reasons, this often depends on the mail client service used, for example Gmail or Hotmail. In free email clients such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc., it is more frequent that they interpose filters to not receive notifications, that is why even if the notification does not arrive at the moment, our users will always be able to consult from the messages category of our platform , that's why we ask that you be aware of the portal. The email provided is configured only in the contact form. The email is not made public as companies take this information to send junk mail or spam. Due to international Anti spam policies, data such as email are not published on professional websites like ours. In fact Ko-mic does not recommend the publication of such information on third-party portals or within personal information. If so, this last case Ko-mic is not responsible for the information published. If even with the previous warnings, users want to publish the Email in non-specific fields such as "business information" or any other publication granted by the portal, it should be borne in mind that a large number of unwanted emails may begin to arrive and Ko-mic is not responsible for data protection if this is the case.

8. ADVERTISING IN PUBLICATIONS. No invasive profile advertising for paid advertisers. User publications such as products, portfolio, and others not mentioned may contain third-party advertisements.

9. ANTI SPAM POLICIES. You can not send mass emails (spam) from the hosting sold, since users can report and block internationally, today anti spam laws are very strong. That is why since Ko-mic we comply with international Anti spam standards and norms to guarantee our readers trust in the site and collaborate with our users on the best practices in the market.