Your Content is 100% Yours. Ko-mic does not require publishing rights and does not restrict your creations to be used on other platforms. We only serve as Hosting of your comics and we offer you both Editorial tools and payment tools. There are other programs in which you can participate and you can consult them in the link of 'programs'
Tu material aparece en tu perfil y en los enlaces generados de tu comic, puedes compartir y ver los mismos desde alli mismo o desde tu area de control. Ademas segun el plan escogido promocionaremos tu contenido en nuestras diferentes redes sociales. No hacemos listados productos ya que están reservados para una fase posterior sobre los comics que se trabajen en otras modalidades o programas. Puedes participar escribiendonos a nuestro correo electronico por si quieres saber mas del tema.
Of course, Your Content belongs to you and Ko-mic cannot restrict the use of your Content on any other platform; Unless another contract is established between both parties as is the case and you wish to participate in other programs in which Ko-mic helps you with professional editorial experience.
The quality of the comic is 100% original to the material you upload. You publish for free and when you put a price on your comics, you automatically enter the default program (sell your episodes) that is in Beta phase. Check the programs we have thought in
Puedes acreditar a tus autores en la información del cómic por escrito. Por el momento no se ha programado un cómic colaborativo, o crear enlaces hacia los colaboradores. Se recomienda que sea solo la Editorial o el Creador dueño quien publique y maneje una sola cuenta por equipo. Puedes tener un perfil de creador o un perfil de Editorial. Este cambio lo puedes hacer en Editar Perfil en el menú de usuarios.
Ko-mic does not provide legal recourse. If you have a profile as a Creator or as a Publishing House, this corresponds to you. The default program (sell your episodes) is the same for both types of profiles for each account. In other words, you are free to distribute the income for each work with your team as best available. Our main goal is for creators to win the most. We are open to listening to publishers of all kinds to make this project grow and include it in the catalog.
It is completely optional, you can leave your episodes or comics at 0. This will indicate that the publication is free.
Yes, there are content restrictions, which we recommend reading in our terms and conditions in the section (Content limits) in the following link
18+ content will be allowed, we will only ask creators to rate their adult content as such. Currently you can bookmark episodes and also full comics with adult content, so readers can be warned before reading each episode or full comic.
NSFW art is allowed as long as it is a paid work within the platform. Explicit content is not allowed in the Thumbnails, Covers, Book Covers or Banners or other promotional elements that we will expand on the platform, We will also ask the creators to rate their adult content 18+.
People 13+ are the ones who can post and are able to accept the terms and conditions.
We are an enterprise specialized in the dissemination of content through digital media. We develop marketing and advertising strategies. With Ko-mic we have a team that is just beginning and is initially made up of 5 managers from various areas. Experts in Programming, Design, Accounting, Editorial Content and Marketing. As the project grows we want to have a larger staff for all the ideas we have.